Friday, October 30, 2009


Image created by ©Roxanne Santiago, 2009

As an art teacher at an elementary level, I am always searching for innovative ideas from lessons to tips and techniques to use in my art room. Using RSS feeds I can read about what other art teachers are doing in their art rooms and use it to fit my needs. Here are my five RSS feeds for educational purposes, why I chose them, and how they are beneficial in my profession:

SchoolArts Magazine (SchoolArts) on Twitter:
This RSS feed lists links to art lessons, videos, articles, and examples of student work. This feed also lets me know what other art teachers are doing all over the United States.

Deep Space Sparkle Art Lessons for Kids:
This is a fantastic website to gain knowledge for new art lessons to use in my art room. As feeds come in, I can see if any of these seem interesting enough for me to use with my students. If so, I can take the ideas and alter them to my needs and the needs of my students.

Latest Activity on Art Education 2.0:
This feed will show me posts by other art educators and how they are using Web 2.0 tools and other digital technology to advance best teaching practices.

Arts & Activities articles | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library:
This elementary and high school art education magazine provides articles for experiences, opinions, and new ideas for art educators. It includes strategies for art educators to use during instruction, approaches to teaching art history, and techniques for student art evaluation.

1181 Artsonia Lesson Plans Reviewed by Teachers:
This RSS feed is connected to Lesson Planet, a great teacher resource site for lessons in any area. As new lessons are imported, I will be notified.

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